Wednesday, October 31, 2007

adCenter Upgraded with New Features

adCenter has added 3 new features to help advertisers to manage the campaigns more easily.

Editorial Updates

Immediate editorial feedback on ads and keywords

With this upgrade, as soon as advertisers create or edit ads, they receive immediate editorial feedback. When advertisers save the ad, adCenter verifies that:

  • all required fields are filled out,
  • length limits are not exceeded, and
  • display and destination URLs are formatted correctly.
This helps advertisers to adhere their ads to adCenter Editorial Guidelines and get the campaigns live more quickly. Take a look at this example:

With this inline feedback, advertisers can make the necessary adjustments to the ads even before it is submited, which will help the ads to a through adCenter editorial review process.

Similarly, when new or changed keywords are saved, the Status column displays the term New or Error. If the mouse is pointed over the "Error status term" more information about the error is displayed, that will help in making necessary changes to the keyword.

View disapproved ad and keyword associations

If you've ever experienced a situation where your "active" ad was associated with a "disapproved" keyword, or a "disapproved" ad was associated with an "active" keyword – we've made it easier for you to resolve this issue by providing more info in the Status column on the Keywords and Ads tabs.

In the screenshot example below, the Status column on the Keywords tab contains Active – 3 ad rejections because a keyword is active but three associated ads are disapproved. If you click the status term, you can get further information about each associated ad. Once you've reviewed the details, you can make changes as needed.

Enhanced campaign management

Set a daily budget target

Now adCenter provides flexible budgeting options for your campaigns by allowing you to set a daily budget target with a maximum monthly budget. This daily budget target is in addition to the existing monthly budget options, and it gives you the control to adjust your advertising budget to meet your business goals.

Enhanced campaign imports

In a recent upgrade, we improved the ability to import campaigns directly from other online advertising programs—without making formatting adjustments in the data file.

  • Now, you can more easily import campaigns from Google AdWords Editor—you can import files that contain ads and keywords in an individual row.
  • When you import a campaign into adCenter, a new step has been added that will allow you to select your time zone.

Improved reporting capabilities

Easily access report options

When you click the Reports tab, now you can:

  • Easily access up to 20 of your recent reports.
  • Quickly view graphs, data, and details for each recent report.
  • Download a recent report as a zipped, comma-separated values (CSV) file.
  • Access your saved report templates.
  • Create new reports with ease.

Create customized reports

  1. Create reports with ease by using new features to streamline your process:
  2. Create reports for all or a specific set of accounts, campaigns, or ad groups.
  3. Schedule automatic e-mail of reports to yourself or to a group of people.
  4. Customize your reports by:
  • Selecting specific columns and values to display.
  • Reordering columns with drag and drop.
  • Filtering values to surface the data you need.

Customize Report View

You can customize your view of report data in the following ways:

  • View multiple graphs. For example, in your Ad performance report, you can switch between Traffic, Pricing, and Ranking graphs with one click.
  • View new details such as Totals & Averages.
  • Use advanced filtering and sorting on specific column values.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Yahoo - Custom Keyword Settings

Adding new keywords to the existing campaign or ad groups are made simple now with Custom Keyword Feature

You can simply add the keywords, and later set custom options for all or some of them. But if you have many keywords, it may be more efficient to specify custom settings for the keywords at the time of adding the keywords.

You can include the following custom settings for each keyword:

  • Custom Bid: For Sponsored Search, you can specify a custom bid that overrides the default ad group bid.
  • Custom URL: Enter the Domain to be used as the destination URL for the keyword.
  • Alternate Text: If the title or description of the ad uses the Insert Keyword Feature, the Alternate Text specified is inserted in the ad instead of the keyword
  • Advanced Match Type: Enable or disable the advanced match type for the keyword.

To enter a keyword with custom settings, enter a continuous text string in the Selected Keywords panel.

Use the following format:

Keyword**custom bid**custom URL**alternate text**advanced match-Y/N


spanish holiday**1.75****holiday in spain**N

If you do not want to use all of the custom settings available in this format, you can simply include the asterisk separators without entering the values for the settings you wish to omit. For example, to omit the custom bid setting:

spanish holiday******holiday in spain**N

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New Keyword Analysis Feature in Google AdWords

The Keyword Analysis page gives you a detailed view of your keyword's Quality Score — including how Quality Score impacts your keyword and ad's performance and how you can improve it.

To view the Keyword Analysis page for any keyword, following steps are to be followed:
  • Click on any ad group.
  • Click on the 'Keywords' tab above the Ad Group Details table.
  • Click the magnifying glass icon beside any keyword to launch the Keyword Analysis page. (You can also see an overview of your Quality Score and ad visibility by pointing your cursor over the icon)

How to Use the Keyword Analysis page

At the top of the Keyword Analysis page, you will see your CTR, minimum bid, current bid and keyword status (i.e. active or inactive for search). Below this information, there are two tabs — an 'Ad showing?' tab and a 'Quality Score' tab.

Ad showing tab: Click the 'Ad showing?' tab to see information from the Ads Diagnostic tool. Find out whether or not your keyword is triggering ads to appear on Google, reasons why and ways to improve your ad performance. Results are based on specific Google search and geographic criteria. To test using different criteria, click the 'Ads Diagnostic Tool' link on the page or from your 'Tools' page.

Quality Score tab: Click the 'Quality Score' tab to get details and recommendations about your keyword's Quality Score. At the top of the tab, find your Quality Score rating — Great, OK or Poor. Next, find tips on what to do in order to achieve the best ad results. Finally, see how different components that factor into your Quality Score as a whole are performing. Our system checks your keyword relevance and landing page quality. For each problem that we may find, we will provide ways to help remedy it.

A New Feature to Compare Performance in Google Adwords

A new feature updated in Account Snapshot page for Comparing performance across two date ranges / metrics

This new feature lets you
  • Select a specific date range or ranges for viewing ad performance by metric.
  • Compare metrics over two time periods.
  • View two different charts and stats that compare and contrast metrics and dates.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Yahoo - Block Ads from Appearing on Certain Sites

Blocked Domains” is now available for advertisers

As everyone already know, ads appear on a network of sites, not just on But advertisers may not want their ads to appear on some sites—maybe because they’re competitors site or maybe they sell products or offer content with which advertisers don’t want their brand to be associated.

A new feature in Yahoo! allows advertisers to specify up to 250 websites or sections of websites in Yahoo partner distribution network on which advertisers don’t want their ads to appear. These can be:

  • An entire domain (i.e.,
  • One subdomain (i.e.,
  • Up to two directories in a particular domain (e.g.,

It applies to sites that are using either our Sponsored Search or Content Match products. Please note that the domain remains unblockable.

To block a domain, just follow these steps:

  • Log into your account
  • Click the Administration tab
  • Select the “Accounts” section
  • Next to “Blocked Domains,” either click “Submit Domains” or “Edit
  • Complete the provided steps to block (or unblock) the domains

Click here for more info.

Friday, October 12, 2007

adCenter Feature Review: Bulk Management Tools

Two new adCenter features upgrade on Sept. 29 are:

  • update multiple campaign budgets, and import campaigns
  • submit all Draft status ad groups to go live

First, if you find that you need to change the budgets for a variety of campaigns, you can now do this all at once using the following steps:

  1. On the Select a campaign page, select the check boxes for all or some of the campaigns you want to update.
  2. Click the Bulk edit link.
  3. From the Campaign settings drop-down list, select:
    > Monthly budget – fixed amount to apply the same budget to all selected campaigns.
    > Monthly budget – percent increase to apply a percent increase to all selected campaigns.
    > Monthly budget – percent decrease to apply a percent decrease to all selected campaigns.
  4. In the New value box type the new amount or percentage.
  5. Click Apply

Second, you can now bulk-submit all ad groups that are in a Draft status to go live at once. As before you were required to submit each ad group one at a time. Just keep in mind that all of the information for each Draft status ad group must be complete for a successful submission.

  1. On the Select a campaign page, open the appropriate campaign.
  2. On the Select an ad group page, select the check boxes of the Draft ad groups you want to submit, and click Actions.
  3. In the Actions drop-down list, select Submit ad group.
  4. On the Windows Internet Explorer dialog box, click OK to submit.

The status of the ad groups will change to Active, and your ads will be live, if your ad groups did not require an editorial review.

The status of the ad groups will change to Inactive if your ad groups require an editorial review.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

New Updates in Yahoo Panama!

Download Ad Group

With the Yahoo's new feature, download option is provided at ad group level. Now advertisers can even download at adgroup level also, which all these days were only restricted to Campagin level. This new feature will help in making changes at ad group level seperately.

The Today Show

In the calendar widget that appears in the upper right of the page under your Campaigns and Reports tabs, you can now select “Today” from the “Custom Date Range” drop-down menu. Your default setting will still be the previous two weeks unless you select a custom date range. Whatever range you choose will then become your new default.

Guidelines at your Service

Now Yahoo is providing easier access to the guidelines on places where it is most relevant: for example, on the Create Your Ad, Choose Keywords and Editorial Status pages.

Yahoo! Panama Features Going Lateral for easy Navigation

Another new feature of yahoo is now advertisers can move laterally from one detail page to another without having to backtrack to a summary page. Now, you’ll notice, a new feature “Previous” and “Next” buttons is added to your campaign, ad group and keyword pages to help make it easier to navigate around your account.
With this new feature:
  • Advertiser can navigate in a similar way through search results.
  • Advertiser will also see the relative location of the particular campaign, ad group or keyword page you’re in at any given time in relation to the others: for example: “3 of 23 Ad Groups.”

Yahoo New Feature - Customize Reports

Custom Reports and Scheduling

A new feature introduced from 6th October 2007, Advertisers will be able to customize and schedule the reports based on date range, filter criteria and data columns. You can also choose to have your reports emailed to you at intervals that you specify: daily, weekly or monthly. In addition, you can choose the format in which you’d like to receive them, including XML, TSV or CSV for Excel.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Latest Update on Yahoo Panama

The New feature upgraded this saturday 6th October 2007 is that:
  • Now you can see how much money you have left on an IO
  • How much the IO was for
  • The cap type as well as start and end dates
You can access this on the dashboard by clicking on Account Summary, then under Estimated Account Depletion click on the blue Invoice button. This will bring a pop up of your insertion order summary. See an example in the screen grab below.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Microsoft adCenter Trademark Policy

Here are some key points that outline adCenter trademark policy:

The heart of the trademark policy is unchanged. Microsoft adCenter disallows trademark infringement, and forbids advertisers from bidding on or using trademarked terms in a way that constitutes trademark infringement. Advertisers may not bid on a competitor's trademarked term or use that term in their ad copy. Affiliates and resellers may bid on trademarked terms relevant to the goods, services, or sites that they promote.

Going forward, Microsoft adCenter will no longer attempt to mediate affiliate compliance by creating lists of trademark-owner approved advertisers who can bid on trademarked keywords. Support teams will be contacting those trademark owners who have provided affiliate documentation previously to explain this policy update and answer questions.

The policy is being updated in order to provide better information to advertisers, a faster response to trademark owners who submit reports of infringement, and a more efficient process for reviewing and getting ads live. We believe that the minimal changes involved here will benefit all aspects of the advertising chain – advertisers, publishers, and consumers.

Microsoft adCenter will support trademark owners in their efforts to protect their intellectual property. Intellectual property is a complicated topic, and Microsoft adCenter relies on trademark owners to help us understand their intellectual property.

When Microsoft adCenter receives a report of trademark infringement from a trademark owner (or their designate), we will investigate the report and take appropriate action on offending advertisements and advertisers. In some cases, this will mean that an advertiser will be forbidden from using a keyword in the future, and in other cases, it will mean that a particular ad is removed. If the complaint does not warrant action, no action will be taken.

If a trademark owner believes that their trademark is being misused in Microsoft adCenter, they can submit a report by following the instructions on our Trademark Concern Form page.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Few Advices from Microsoft adCenter on how to write great ad copy?

Everybody loves a bargain so if you’re selling one, make sure you shout about it in your ads. Including a specific price point can double CTR! Once you’ve checked out the competition and confirmed that your deal is definitely a steal, write an ad to reflect this, e.g. ‘Return flights to Paris for £25’. Ensure that the same price is represented on the landing page to speed the ad through the editorial process, and to make the user experience as smooth as possible.

Special Offers
You may also have a special offer that you want everyone to know about. If your product or service is available at a discounted rate or with additional value, make sure your ad states this, e.g. ‘save 20%’, ‘pay £5 less’, ‘huge discounts’. Again, try to make the offer as specific as possible, so the searcher knows exactly what a great deal they’re getting. Include specific price points where you can.

Unique Selling Points
You can also differentiate your product by calling out its Unique Selling Point (USP). This is the single most saleable feature of a product or service, e.g. ‘limited edition CDs’, ‘no commissions’, ‘guaranteed delivery before Christmas’.

In the retail sector, ‘free shipping’ or ‘free delivery’ is two of the strongest USPs. Distinguishing your product through USP can have a fantastic effect on CTR, but bear in mind that “over 50% of users prefer to click on factual rather than “sales” listings”.

Here is some of the most effective USPs on Microsoft adCenter:

Consider using Dynamic Text Insertion – {param2} and {param3} - to insert prices, special offers or USPs if you plan to update them regularly.

Microsoft adCenter Offers Appealing Upgrade

Microsoft upgraded the adCenter user interface on 8th September 2007.

Within each ad group, the Keywords tab now shows complete statistics and provides editable boxes so the user can change bids on that same screen. In previous versions of adCenter the keyword statistics were presented on one page, and editing happened on a different page. Switching from page to page was clumsy and made campaign management more costly because of the time involved.

MSN - AdCenter Quality-Based Ranking

As part of the Live Search 2.0 launch, The formula used to calculate which ads appear in the mainline (the ads that appear above algorithmic search results) adCenter quality-based ranking system has been changed.
Prior to this change, the algorithm used to determine when ads could appear in the mainline was more rigid. With these changes, the marketplace is now more dynamic, and any ad with a Quality Based Ranking above the mainline threshold may appear in the mainline.

This change represents a win-win for advertisers and searchers; in addition to giving you more control over placement, searchers are getting better quality ads in the mainline.

As an advertiser, now you can control whether your ads appear in the mainline by increasing either the Click Through Rate or the Max Bid. You can think of this as a quality threshold that you must cross in order to appear in the mainline. With this change, we expect most of your ads will continue to perform as they have in the past. However, there may be some cases where:
  • You could see your ads move in or out of the mainline depending on your CTR and set Max Bid
  • You may need to bid more to maintain mainline positions
  • You may see ads move up into the mainline without bidding more
  • For ads remaining in the mainline, your actual CPC may increase

If you want to improve your quality, make sure to check your adCenter account regularly to adjust ad copy, bid price and other key attributes. Also, take a look at these adCenter Ad Ranking Best Practices.

The quality-based ranking improvements have been made in the context of the overall search experience – adCenter will take both the paid and organic listings into account when assessing the overall experience for the searcher, while at the same time endeavoring to balance the needs of the advertiser.

Over time, adCenter will continue to improve the paid search listings on Live Search, specifically focusing on:

  • Quality of ads – ad copy aligns with offer, landing page and search term
  • Quality of advertisers – advertiser is offering unique and valuable goods, services or information
  • Quality set of overall listings – overall result set is unique, extremely relevant, high quality and the best value for the searcher

If you have any more questions, please visit the adCenter Forum.

SEM – The Benefits of Campaign Optimization

Optimizing your paid search Ad Copy can not only improve the performance of campaigns but it can also provide valuable research for your other marketing strategies.

It is widely accepted that search engine marketing is not ‘push’ advertising. However ‘creative’ a 25 character title and a 70 character description might be, it cannot ‘grab’ in the same way as a multi-colored press ad or billboard can.

This is not to say search engine marketers should not and do not experiment with creative messaging, but the purpose of doing so is not so much to ‘grab’. If used effectively, Ad copy optimization can not only help to improve campaign performance, but also provide valuable market and customer insight which can be fed into other marketing strategies.

The analysis outlined below is Adwords-centric for three reasons:
  1. Google Adwords was the only platform which allowed rotation of more than one text ad against the same keyword (the imminent launch of Panama in the UK accommodate Ad copy rotation in the same way).
  2. Google’s market share is so large that it allows you to build up statistical relevance much quicker than the other search engines.
  3. Adwords and its accompanying editor allows for a speedy technical set-up which means multiple text ads can be uploaded in a matter of minutes.

This being said, it should not be assumed that better performing Ad copy on Google will translate across the other search engines. In the US, where market share is more even between Google and Yahoo!, studies have proven that better performing ad copy on one engine can be poorer performing on the other, and audiences between search engines can differ for certain vertical markets significantly.

There are some technical considerations that should be taken for effective Ad copy optimization implementation:
  1. Track each text ad to conversion/s.
  2. Text ads should be rotated to show ads more evenly, until enough data has been recorded for you to implement a rule based programme.
  3. Consider which keyword to optimize ad copy against
  • By including the price in the Ad copy, one consideration in the buying cycle has been brought to the searchers’ attention before they click. In other instances it is better not to pre-qualify traffic in this way as rules will change for different brands or markets.
  • Searchers were more likely to convert when they felt they were being offered choice rather than forced into taking an action.
  • Paid Search is potentially the only advertising medium that allows you to build up statistical relevance quickly and transparently enough for you to make informed decisions about your products. This can be achieved by running separate promotions in ad copy concurrently and seeing which one consumer respond to.
  • Competitive analysis can be the key to effective Ad copy optimization.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Google AdWords Top Ad Promotion Formula Now Live

Google will be releasing an updated algorithm to determine the ads that are displayed in the top ad spot, above the organic search results.

The updated algorithm will continue to use the quality and cost-per-click (CPC) figure but will be slightly tweaked for that top ad position. Instead of using the actual CPC, Google will use the advertiser's maximum CPC in the overall equation. In addition, Google will be applying a stricter threshold on the quality component for the top ad positions.
Google uses a quality score plus CPC model to rank all their ads. In the past, to achieve a top slotted ad position, you would need to meet a certain overall threshold in both quality and CPC price. Google, as stated above, is changing that algorithm to be more sensitive of the quality component, while also adjusting the figure used to determine your CPC. Now, Google uses the "actual" CPC, but in the upcoming weeks Google will use the "maximum" CPC.

What is the difference between actual CPC and maximum CPC? Every advertiser has to set a maximum CPC for their keywords. But an advertiser won't necessarily pay the maximum CPC price when their ad is clicked on. In fact, most of the time advertisers won't pay that amount. Instead, they will pay an actual CPC, which is lower than their maximum CPC.

For example, say I have an ad with a maximum CPC of $0.50, but there are no competitors in my keyword ad space. In that case, I will probably pay an actual CPC of $0.05 and not the $0.50, since I'm not competing against anyone.

In the past, Google used the actual CPC in the ranking algorithm for the top ad position. In the future, Google will be using that maximum CPC. As you can see, this gives advertiser more control on achieving that top ad position.

Back to our example above. This advertiser, who has been noticing a $0.05 actual CPC, will now be credited for his maximum CPC of $0.50 and will thus have an easier chance at obtaining the top ad spot.

Can advertisers abuse this? Possibly, but with the stricter quality threshold, it will be less likely. It is important to note that Google said while the current algorithm weighs both quality and CPC somewhat equally, the new algorithm for the top ad position will weigh quality substantially more heavily then they have in the past [NOTE: Google has followed up now to say that quality is weighted more heavily now and in the new system, the combined threshold of quality and CPC will be higher. We're double-checking further on this]. Google is implementing this new algorithm change so that those top ads will have a higher quality, so I suspect their tests proved to yield a high quality outcome.

So who will be impacted by this change? Well, right off the bat, those who have top ad positions for their ads will see a lot more competition in those areas. However, Nick Fox told me that there will be a "relatively limited" number of advertisers impacted by this change.Again, there is no specific date as to when this new algorithm change will go live. It is expected to happen within the next "few weeks." Google is letting us know now so that we have time to prepare for the change.
Aug. 22, 2007 at 6:13pm Eastern by Barry Schwartz

Google PageRank

1. What Is Google's PageRank?

PageRank is part of Google's method of ranking web pages.

"PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important."

It is important to remember that PageRank is but one factor Google uses to determine the rank of a web page in the search results. This is why you can find pages with a lower PageRank listed above pages with a higher PageRank. Google also factors in the content of the page and the pages linking to it.

Don't become overly concerned about your PageRank. Focus instead on properly building a high quality site with loads of great content that serves your visitors well. If you do this, improved PageRank will follow naturally.

2. How Do I Find The PageRank of a Web Page?

One way to get a general idea of your PageRank is to download the Google toolbar. This is a search tool bar that works with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 or later browsers. Included with the search tool is a small graphic display that shows Google's ranking of a page on a 0 to 10 scale - 10 being the best.

Yahoo Panama Sponsored Listings Allows Site Blocking

Yahoo announced it is broadening its Traffic Quality Features for its sponsored ads.

As an advertiser, you want quality traffic—qualified clicks from the users who are most likely to become customers. new blocked domains feature, planned for launch later this month, will provide you with greater control of where your ads appear. This is just one of several ways that Yahoo! is working to improve the value of the traffic that we deliver to you.

Apparently now we are able to block up to 250 web sites, you do not want your ads to appear on Sponsored Search and Content Match.

• Blocked Domains

Now you can specify websites in our partner distribution network where you don't want your ads to appear.

• Pricing Discounts

You may automatically receive pricing discounts based on our assessment of the quality of traffic coming from our partner distribution network.

• Click Protection System

Yahoo tracks click and search patterns across many data points to identify clicks that we believe shouldn't be billed to our advertisers. The click protection system generally discards charges from 12 percent to 15 percent of clicks.

• Blocked Continents

Yahoo! automatically excludes traffic from continents other than North America. If global traffic is important to your business, you can opt into this traffic.

• Traffic Quality Center

This site is our home for traffic quality tips, tools and news. This is the place to go, for instance, if you want to learn how to submit click investigation requests.

Monday, October 1, 2007

New Yahoo Pannama! Search Marketing System Enhancements

Ad copy updates
Ad copy is definitely not the sexiest topic but these changes will have a huge impact in terms of user experience. Changes to the ad testing in the interface will allow advertisers to see all ad copy in one place. Advertisers can also view the performance of their ads against one another with a single click. Before this, getting ad information was time consuming as advertisers needed to click on individual ads to get specific information.

Also, in terms of ad copy, advertisers will now be able to “copy” ads to modify or create additional ads. Before, this feature was unavailable and made the ad creation process extremely time consuming in Y! SM. Building on this, the system will now prompt advertisers to enter additional ads (for testing purposes) during the ad creation process. This is obviously a more a more seamless step with the “copy” features.

Interface updates
It’s now easier to delete campaigns (there is now an obvious delete button) as well as turn campaigns on and off. Before, advertisers needed to click on a button called “edit status” to turn on and off campaigns. This is much easier with the more appropriately named “campaign on/off” button.

In the interface, there is still a fair bit of clicking (drilling down) required to get to pertinent campaign information. For example, advertisers cannot set unique bids for multiple ad groups on one screen. Advertisers need to go to each ad group to make bid changes. In my recent conversations with Yahoo!, I’ve been informed that Yahoo! is currently working to make the interface faster and easier to navigate. From what I’m hearing, this shouldn’t be too difficult (they’re looking at implementing a more horizontal navigational structure). We should see this implemented by Y! SM shortly. Currently, this is one of my biggest gripes with Y! SM so I’m anxiously looking forward to this change.

Low quality index alerts
Advertisers will be notified by email when ad quality is low. The system will check every 30 days for ads with one bar (the highest quality index is five bars). If you’d like more information on the graphical display of the quality index (the bar system).

New Pay Pal payment option
Advertisers will be able to offer a Pay Pal payment option to customers. Advertisers will be able to easily opt-in to the new payment option from the administration tab of an account. The team at Y! SM seems to be listening to the needs and concerns of advertisers. Let’s keep them informed of the features and functionalities what we want in the new Y! SM system.

Google Changes Reports Interface

Google has changed the Ad Words reporting engine. Now, the Google Ad Words reports are now more similar to the reports and graphs you see at Google Analytics.

The main Reports page is simplyfied and also introduced a new format for report graphs.The improved Report Center should make your data much easier to process, so we hope you'll enjoy these changes! See the image below for an example report:

Yahoo Adds New Ad Tools & Reporting

Yahoo has announced several new advertising features for their search marketing platform. You can now write ads faster, quickly check your quality score and create and save up to 45 customized reports.

Writing Ads
You can now write and save up to twenty ads at a time. In addition, you can compare your ads to your competitors, side-by-side, all on one screen. Finally, Yahoo also gives you their "best practices cheat sheet" directly on that page as well.

Quality Score Data
Yahoo will now update the quality score of your ads every thirty days. If your quality score is low, Yahoo will let you know via email. Yahoo has also added the number of low quality score ads in your account on the Account Summary page.

Finally, Yahoo now allows you to create and save up to 45 customized reports. So you can now go to your reporting section, create reports tailored to your needs and save that format for future use.